Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog #4

Glaserfeld had many reason for the theory of constructing knowledge. One of those reasons is that Glaserfeld used is that all the so called knowledge that we gain comes from our senses. Everyone interprets these senses differently and therefor we all construct our own ideas about what we have experienced based on our senses. If we were all acquired knowledge rather than constructing it. Then we would all have the same knowledge because it would be like the knowledge was handed out. If we were all handed a dollar then we would all have a dollar, but if we had to make a dollar then all of our dollars would be different. This is the theory behind Glaserfelds constructivism. That fact that we are all constructing knowledge makes knowledge itself become a paradox. For how can we know what is true knowledge if we are each building it up as we go based on our senses and past experiences. Glaserfeld mentioned that to truly view knowledge unbiasedly, we would need to know what we knew before we knew it. Which is of course impossible.

If I were teaching a math class and I believed in constructivism and I wanted to best help my students learn. I would give a test at the beginning of the year or at the beginning of the term that would help me understand the level that each of my students was at. This test would allow me to see the students work out problems. This way I could see how my student solve problems and get an idea of how they have built their mathematical knowledge. This test would also allow me to see my students past understanding and experiences with math. Since constructivism is always building up on past knowledge. I would be able to help my students by knowing where I should start building.


  1. You had a very good description of what von Glasersfeld meant by constructing knowledge. I really appreciated that.
    I feel that proofreading the entry would have made it easier to read and helped it flow.

  2. I think a test to determine levels is important in understanding how well prepared each student is. I did have trouble following the paragraphs. I felt confused in the first paragraph by how things were worded and structured. Try being more direct and concise in your ideas.

  3. I agree that understanding what your students already know is very important to mathematics teaching. You have to be able to build on their prior knowledge to give them the best understanding of math. I was unsure at first what your second paragraph was going to be about. Maybe having a more clear topic sentence would help.
