Friday, January 15, 2010

Blog #2

There are many things that unify and separate Skemp's idea's for relational and instrumental understanding. One of Skemps main ideas about relational understanding is that someone who knows the purpose and the method for the math they are doing. Instrumental is understanding the method, or in other words the process to get the right answer, but without knowing why they are doing it, or why it works. Even though Skemp highly favored relational understanding, he did note that they are not mutually exclusive. To truly understand a principle in mathematics, or to have a relational understanding, one must have the instrumental as well. One must know the method in which to get the answer. Skemp knew that a student must know the method and the purpose to truly have a relational understanding. Some of the main advantages Skemp talked about in regard to relational understanding is that it was easier to remember, it was easier to go from one problem to another, it gave students motivation to learn more. Instrumental understand however, could give more visible positive outcomes. Or in other words, it is easier and faster to see a page full of right answers with instrumental understanding. However, usually if the problems change a little bit, it will be harder for one with instrumental understanding to adapt. Overall there are many reason why a teacher would choose to teach for relational or instrumental understanding. However, Skemp felt that relational understanding would best serve all who learned it.


  1. I agree with this author's summing up of what Kemp said about Relational and Mutual understanding. I liked how this author said in order to know relational understanding one must know instrumental. I feel this was truly a good summerization to reflect Skemps ideas.

    I however feel the article could ave been improved if the author had stuck mainly on skemp's ideas because the assignment was to summarize Skemp's ideas and not introduce our own ideas or state whether we felt Skemp was correct or not. I feel this blog introdced t many agreements or disagreements with Skemp's ideas as opposed to just summerizing them.

  2. You did a nice job listing the advantages of the different types of learning. Why do these advantages come about?

  3. I think you did a great job of summarizing what skemp thought and I thought it flowed really well too. I wondered about what the more visible outcomes meant in your context.
